capitalizing on opportunities
Business leaders want to profit by being best at their trade, and by providing value to their customers, fulfillment for their employees, and security for their families and communities. You are constantly tested by competitors, or sometimes by partners, employees, or vendors, and at other times by government or by a customer you seek to serve. We help you predict and mitigate legal and business risks, structure smart key agreements, manage and defend tax and regulatory exams, convert disputes and challenges into new opportunities, and close your major business deals.
Our clients are mainly successful mid-sized business owners with strong market reputations, as well as inspired start-up entrepreneurs. They are engaged in manufacturing, government contracting, petroleum marketing, textile supply, technology development, construction, healthcare and medical services, food distribution, real estate development, restaurant operations, professional services, automotive sales, collection services, cybersecurity, nonprofit management, and several other areas.
We serve as general counsel to clients in a variety of industries: negotiating, drafting, resolving or litigating disputes and providing strategic advice on a daily basis, while growing a deep knowledge of our clients’ businesses, the laws affecting them, and the realities of the environments in which they operate. We also assist businesses in productively resolving ownership and governance disputes, negotiating day-to-day business contracts, settling federal and state tax controversies, and handling contract, payment and liability issues—in all cases, using a toolkit of careful preparation, strategic thinking, persuasive argument, firm resolve, and comprehensive knowledge of the operative facts, law, and contract provisions.
While many of our client relationships extend over decades, we often are specially retained by business owners to guide them in negotiating and closing on efforts to buy or sell businesses. We are extremely dedicated to closely-held businesses, but also have the experience, sophistication and capacity to close corporate M&A transactions with values in the tens and hundreds of millions of dollars. We differ from many other firms in that we provide the one-on-one attention executives expect from a smaller law firm, and the authoritative negotiating, on-target drafting, and larger transactional capacity typically associated with national firms. Our clients have trusted us in recent years to quarterback and close well more than a billion dollars in transactions overall