You’ve Decided to Mediate Your Divorce. Should You Bring a Lawyer?
You’ve decided to mediate your divorce case. You wisely decided to avoid the expense, acrimony, and uncertainty of a contested court proceeding in favor of a negotiated resolution with the …
Can I Snoop To Figure Out If My Spouse Is A Dog?
In 2020, where we find ourselves spending more time at home with family than in year’s past, it is not uncommon for suspicions to arise between spouses about what or, …
What You Need to Know About Maryland’s Revised Child Support Guidelines
Maryland’s Child Support Guidelines, which are used by the Courts to establish and set child support in most cases in Maryland, had not been substantively adjusted in 10 years. The …
Why You and Your Divorce Attorney Should Develop a Personal Relationship
I’ve always enjoyed the movie Jerry Maguire. Jerry is a sports agent representing Rod Tidwell, a bombastic, energetic, life-loving NFL wide receiver. Part of the appeal of the movie is …
Not All Dollars Are Equal: Which Assets Are Most Valuable in Divorce?
One thing is usually certain in the aftermath of a divorce: You’ll experience a reduction in net worth and in standard of living. This is unavoidable as one household becomes …
Survival 101: Co-parenting and Remote Learning
Out with new backpacks and lunch boxes, and in with Chromebooks and iPads: Fall is here but this year, back to school does not mean back to normal. As the …
Are You a Millennial Thinking about Marriage? Here’s What You Should Know about Divorce
Millennials are causing a 24% rate in decline in the divorce rate, according to Business Insider. There are a few reasons for this statistic like waiting longer to get married, …
Getting Divorced? Get off Social Media!
“Privacy is dead, and social media holds the smoking gun.” – Pete Cashmore, CEO of Mashable Eighty-one percent of lawyers find social media networking evidence worth presenting in court, and 66% …
My soon-to-be Ex and I are Friendly: Do I Really Need a Divorce Lawyer?
With the proliferation of online resources, and the ongoing pandemic, it is both more tempting and more possible than ever to craft your own Settlement Agreement from the comfort of …
Are You a Stay-at-Home Parent?
In the event of a divorce, the stay-at-home parent often feels the negative impact of the decision of who stays with the kids. Marriage is hard and requires continued work …
Litigation vs. Negotiation – Which Path Is the Right One for You?
Most of us have seen one of those dramatic courtroom movies that glamourize the court process – perhaps Tom Cruise’s fiery cross-examination of Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men, …
Lerch Early Attorneys Named to 2021 Best Lawyers in America
Lerch Early Attorneys Named to 2021 Best Lawyers in America Multiple lawyers from Lerch, Early & Brewer recently were selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2021. Two …