protecting what’s most important to you
Whether you and your fiancé are just starting out in life, have a blended family from prior relationship(s), or have assets or financial obligations that you acquired prior to your marriage, a prenuptial agreement, or prenup, can help you pre-determine rights and obligations in property and support after marriage.
And, if you are already married, it’s not too late. A postnuptial agreement can also pre-determine your rights and obligations in property and support after marriage.
A prenup or postnup can also play into your estate planning. We frequently prepare prenuptial and postnuptial agreements that address not only what occurs in the event of separation or divorce, but also what occurs in the event of the untimely passing of one or both spouses, both prior to or following a separation that could lead to divorce.
In addition to drafting these types of agreements, we are also frequently called upon to consult with individuals who are married and have signed a prenup, postnup, or reconciliation agreement, and wish to explore their legal options concerning interpretation, enforcement, and/or revocation of such agreements.
For more about prenuptial agreements, see “Prenuptial 101” and “Why Everyone Should Consider a Prenup,” and contact one of Lerch Early’s divorce and family law attorneys.