The time is ripe to engage with Park & Planning regarding the Silver Spring Sector Plan process. The Planning Board approved the Staff’s suggested scope in March 2020, and is beginning community outreach this month. One of the most notable aspects of the Plan is the Board’s unanimous recommendation, from its June 4, 2020 Board meeting, to expand the plan boundary to include properties within a half-mile and/or 10-minute pedestrian walkshed from the Silver Spring Library Purple Line Station (discussed in greater detail in our June 17, 2020 Newsletter, which can be found here). This would encompass parts of the Woodside, Woodside Park, and East Silver Spring neighborhoods.
During the Sector Plan study, Park & Planning Staff and the Planning Board will evaluate opportunities to increase density and height to accommodate the County’s growing housing demands.
Park & Planning Staff held virtual outreach meetings with property owners and residents in July and August. Staff is in the process of documenting the existing conditions of the plan elements. Once complete, Staff will present a summary of the existing conditions report to the Planning Board. Thereafter, Staff will begin working with stakeholders on the “visioning” phase, which combined with community input and the existing conditions analysis, will begin to form Staff’s preliminary recommendations.
Individual meetings may be scheduled, with Park & Planning Staff, regarding your specific property or area of interest. If you are interested in learning more information about the Sector Plan and opportunities for engagement, please contact one of our Land Use attorneys.