Community association attorney Jeremy Tucker will present a webinar on “The Paralegal’s Guide to Demystifying Roberts Rules of Order” on January 10, 2018. Learn to effectively use the Robert’s Rules of Order to run meetings and conferences efficiently and in a respectful manner.
Applying some basic aspects of parliamentary procedure can turn a disorganized and inefficient meeting into an efficient and effective meeting. This topic is designed to provide a working knowledge of a number of fundamental aspects of Roberts Rules of Order. This will allow you to understand the correct rules and tools to convey the rules to your attorneys, boards of directors, and assemblies that you are standing before. This informaiton hopes to demystify Roberts Rules of Order so that it can be used and explained in an easy and useful way.

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Jeremy Tucker is a community associations attorney who counsels common interest communities on the legal and practical aspects of making their Maryland and DC properties desirable places to own and live.



Name: Jeremy M. Tucker



Phone: 301-657-0157
