Last fall, the Land Use Group at Lerch, Early & Brewer held a Regional Housing event, focused on the state of the housing market in the DMV. The event explored how the Region’s housing market was responding to the housing shortage identified by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and the associated housing targets established by local jurisdictions (like Mayor Bowser in DC and the Montgomery County Council), especially in light of COVID-19.
Lerch, Early & Brewer Land Use Attorney Liz Rogers has been working with her colleagues at CREW DC to plan an event that takes a deeper dive into this important topic, specifically looking at the impact of housing production on the region’s economic competitiveness. Register below to join Jair Lynch, Victor Hoskins, Jon Griffith, and Jeannette Chapman on Thursday, February 4 for a lively discussion exploring the challenges and solutions needed to address the housing affordability crisis and enhance the region’s economic competitiveness.

The event is open to everyone. To learn more about the event or to register, please visit: