Does your Company have employees who are based elsewhere but travel to the District of Columbia to perform work from time to time? Do you pay these employees less than $17.00 per hour? If so, it may be time to increase their compensation.
The DC government has revised its minimum wage law to expand coverage to any employee who performs at least two hours of work in the District for the same employer within one workweek. This is a substantial increase in coverage. Previously, the law only covered workers who spent more than 50% of their work time in DC or were based in DC and spent a substantial amount of working time in DC but not more than 50% of their working time in another state.
Under the new law, an employer who is based in Maryland or Virginia, or elsewhere and travels into DC to perform work lasting over two hours per week must be paid at or over DC’s substantial minimum wage. The law took effect March 1, 2024.
Currently, the DC minimum wage is $17.00 per hour for non-tipped workers and $8.00 per hour for tipped workers. Beginning July 1, 2024 the minimum wage will increase to $17.50 for non-tipped workers and $10.00 for tipped workers.
For more information, contact Julie Reddig at