Employment attorney Marc Engel will present a workshop on “Understanding and Preventing Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment” at the Montgomery County Society of Human Resource Management August dinner. The presentation will focus on:

  • What unlawful harassment is and is not;
  • When, why, and between whom harassment can occur;
  • Why all employers, regardless of size, need to understand and take appropriate measures to address this issue now more than ever;
  • The importance of harassment training for all employees;
  • What issues should be covered for training to be effective;
  • The importance of understanding the related issues of bullying, tolerance, diversity and professionalism;
  • Practical and cost-efficient measures employers should take to prevent harassment claims (including creating/updating handbook policies);
  • The extraordinary costs (i.e., financial, reputational, legal, and otherwise) associated with harassment and a work environment that is perceived to be unprofessional and intolerant;
  • Related insurance issues; and
  • Strategies for defending harassment claims if they are made.

To register, visit https://mcshrm.shrm.org/events/2018/08/august-dinner-meting-understanding-and-preventing-sexual-and


Radisson Hotel

3 Research Court

Rockville, MD 20850





