Lerch Early promotes and protects a culture of inclusion and we want to make sure we’re communicating our very important efforts to our valued clients and friends.

We believe our culture of inclusion contributes to better results for our clients through more creative and innovative solutions.


  • Women chair or co-chair 82% of our practices and 60% of our firm-wide committees, and represent half of the members of our governing board.
  • Our firm employs summer associates of diverse backgrounds annually as part of the Summer Scholars Pipeline Program, an effort by the Bar Association of Montgomery County to encourage the hiring of diverse attorneys.
  • Lerch Early was named the Asian American Chamber of Commerce’s 2019 “Business of the Year” (51 or more employees) for supporting its mission.
  • We partially fund Howard University’s 2019 Charter Day celebration to help students finish their coursework and graduate.
  • We engaged a consultant to provide unconscious bias training for our staff and attorneys in 2019 to increase awareness of important issues surrounding diversity and inclusion.

As we move forward into 2020, our Diversity Committee comprised of management, attorneys, and staff will continue to lead the way as we strive to foster and maintain an inclusive work environment.

For more information, please visit https://www.lerchearly.com/about/diversity-inclusion.

Lerch Early’s Diversity Committee, from left, (back row) Myesha Davis, Erica White, Vernon Lynch, Nida Kanwal, and Chris Hatcher. Sitting in front are Liz Estephan, Co-chairs Patrick O’Neil and Sharon Craig, and Scott Pacheco.